Sorry for such a late response.  We have set up SFX to work with our Holdings records for print.  In the catalog, we close the print holdings and add a catalog link in the bib record for individual online subscriptions or packages (not aggregators, as holdings change too much--we rely on SFX for that so far but may try batch loading--either way, the workflow varies for different kinds of subscriptions.)

If the searcher finds an article in a database, they get the appropriate SFX menu when they click the FindText button (for instance, if we only have the print for that year, a link to the online catalog is the option; if we have it in an individual online subscription, package, or aggregator, those links appear, regulated by display logic.)  If the patron uses the citation linker/A-Z list, they get an SFX list of online options.  There are a lot of variations on what appears when, and it isn't perfect, especially the display logic and which links should appear at the top of the SFX list.  We're working on it! 

In addition, I am now trying to coordinate set-up from FIZ AutoDoc for the American Chemical Society journals using SFX.  Has anyone else done anything like that?  Are others using document delivery instead of expensive subscriptions?  We're also experimenting with the unmediated Get It Now service and have set it up with SFX, as an end user option. 

So instead of making a notation in the print record for any of these, it's just a matter of adding the SFX link (not the publisher link) to the catalog record when appropriate and adjusting the Holdings record. 



Sue Wiegand

Periodicals Librarian

123 Cushwa-Leighton Library

Saint Mary’s College

Notre Dame, IN 46556

574 284-4789



On 1/8/2013 7:31 PM, Julie Moore wrote:
What are you all doing when you have paper serials that turn into online serials -- but you keep the paper back issues?

This is a common scenario:

1. We have a paper serial title.
2. The paper serial is still being published, and we keep the back issues.
3. It is decided for whatever reason that our library will go with the same title in some database or electronic journal package ... which we put in our A-Z list ... and we stop getting the paper serial.

Do you make any notation in your paper record to direct users over to the A-Z list?

Thanks for your help!

Best wishes,
Julie Moore

Julie Renee Moore
Head of Cataloging
California State University, Fresno

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Sue Wiegand

Sue Wiegand

Periodicals Librarian

123 Cushwa-Leighton Library

Saint Mary’s College

Notre Dame, IN 46556

574 284-4789



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