Thanks to all those who answered. I will now study the information.



From: Rachel BenEliezer
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2012 4:21 PM
To: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum; Electronic Resources in Libraries
Subject: periodicals and repository copies


Dear Librarians,

We , a consortium of higher education colleges, are looking in to a collaborative venture to develop a shared repository for hard copies of print journals – to free shelf space and preserve research material.

I am interested if any of you have been involved in such a scheme and practically how you went about it. I am mainly interested in the practicalities of such a project and less about the theory.

Could you describe the process and also the pitfalls of such an undertaking.

Please pass on to other relevant lists.


Thank you for attention,


Rachel Ben-Eliezer

Serials Librarian and Interlibrary Loan Services

David Yellin College of Education Library

POB 3578

Jerusalem 91035 ISRAEL

Tel: 02-6558180





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