Unfortunately, our library is still showing the 92nd edition as well, even though we have an ongoing online subscription to it. Thank you for pointing this out to us. I'll be contacting the vendor later today.

Jessica Harris
Digital Services Librarian
University Libraries
University of Texas at Brownsville
(956) 882-7281
UBLB 3.306

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Downing, Caitlin <cdowning@santarosa.edu> wrote:

Dear Serialisters:

Even though the 93rd edition of the CRC handbook of Chemistry and Physics is available in print, the online version we are seeing is still the 92nd   edition. 

Does anyone out there have online access to the 93rd edition yet?


Caitlin Downing

Library - Periodicals

Santa Rosa Jr. College

1501 Mendocino Ave.

Santa Rosa, CA   95401
(707)  527-4543



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