Hi Stephanie,
The edited LC records could be OK, but they are not. The problem is, in our opinion, that the cataloguing agency is using LC records describing the print version of the serial, and edits it to reflect the e-version. We believe they are doing it to "force" a match of the print ISSN in the MARC record and the SFX knowledge base. Unfortunately, they disregard the LC record describing the e-version of the serial, because it may or may not have an eISSN. If there is an ExLibris cataloguer on this list, we would like to discuss this on behalf of our consortium.1. edited LC records2. "skeleton" records - no MARC data, other than title {245} and URL {856}
Are other colleges and universities using the MARCIt service for MARC records for electronic journals based on the information maintained in SFX?
Please reply to me directly, but I am interested in some more information about the MARCIt service.
How well is that working with ILL? Are you also using an ERM to record license agreement clauses?
Thanks in advance for this information. My Library Director is interested in finding out what comprehensives are doing with ejournals.
If you would prefer to speak with me over the phone, I am happy to call you.
Best regards,
Stephanie H. Wical, Assistant Professor
Periodicals and Electronic Resources Librarian
McIntyre Library, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
105 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Phone: 715-836-3508
Email: wicalsh@uwec.edu
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