
My understanding about searches and sessions means the number of sessions is the number of times a patron has accessed the database, and the searches are the number of searches done within each session. Thus, the session totals would be the number of different patrons (including multiple times one patron has entered the database), and the searches would be the total number of searches done for the total number of sessions for any given period. (i.e. Jan-Mar, Jan-June, etc.)

Does that help, or is it clear as mud?

Jeanne Little

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Reid,Diana L. <diana.reid@louisville.edu> wrote:

Hi All,


Does anyone have any wisdom for me about sessions vs searches on DB1 reports? I am wondering why I see so many reports with vastly more sessions than searches.

If a session is recorded when a user requests a service, say to connect to a particular database, it doesn't make sense to me that in many instances the majority of users are basically choosing a resource

and then not searching at all. What am I missing?


Thanks in advance,


Diana Reid

Serials Acquisitions Librarian

University of Louisville

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