The Millennium Vendor Update ID process may put the EBSCO order numbers into the records, so most of the manual entry is gone. You may need to give EBSCO your Millennium order #’s to put in their record. Ask your EBSCO rep (Account Services Manager if you have one) to help you with the process.
Leslie D. Burke
Collection Development & Digital Integration Librarian
Upjohn Library Commons
Kalamazoo College
1200 Academy St
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
ph: 269.337.7144
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@list.uvm.edu] On Behalf Of Coakley, Lynn
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Claiming in Millennium and Ebsco
We were one of the first libraries within Innovative that used Mill. Serials. It was a rocky start, but now it all works like a dream. We claim using Millennium, not through Ebsconet, although if we identify and consistently problem title, I will contact our rep directly to see if we can light a fire under the publisher.
As I remember it, you have to get an address to send the files to from Ebsco. The tedious part of the set up (only have to do this once) is to get a list of vendor title numbers from Ebsco and enter them into each checkin record. We did this manually (at the time we had about 400 titles; that number has been drastically reduced) but I would ask at Ebsco if they've developed some way to import the vendor title numbers.
Katy - If you want to talk with me on the phone about this process, I'd be more than happy to do that.
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Divittorio, Katy <KATY.DIVITTORIO@ucdenver.edu> wrote:
I am new to SERIALST and was looking for some assistance. I have just started in Serials at the University of Colorado-Denver. My position is a new position. The person who used to handle Serials retired about 4 years ago and in the meantime bits and pieces have gone to different people. The claiming process has been somewhat overlooked and there are not clear procedures on the process. Does anyone have any claiming procedures for Millennium and Ebsco they wouldn’t mind sharing with me? Thanks!
Katy DiVittorio
Serials Acquisitions Specialist
Auraria Library
1100 Lawrence Street
Denver, Colorado 80204
303-556-4513 (tel)
303-556-2623 (fax)
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