ER&L is excited to announce our 2012 Conference Opening Speaker: Andrea Resmini. Andrea is one of the founders and now one of the Associate Editors of the Journal of Information Architecture, has co-authored Pervasive Information Architecture, and is a researcher at the University of BORÂS and an information architect with FATDUX. To learn more about him, visit his website:

Reminder that regular conference rates end on 15 February; so register to attend now:

Also the applications for the AIP student grants are still available through 22 February 2012. Apply now if you are a library or information school student wishing to attend the conference:

Registration for online attendance will stay open up until the start of the 2012 conference. By attending online, you'll be able to see all of the plenary speakers along with virtually attending sessions that will be streamed live in 2 rooms during each day of the conference.

Be sure to check out the extended workshops being offered both before and after this year's ER&L conference and sign up before the deadline on 23 March 2012:

We want to thank all of the ER&L conference sponsors who are helping us to design a conference that is "virtually" for everyone!