Dear colleagues,
This is a reminder that there is still time to submit your posters and papers for our next the Joint Meeting.
Please excuse duplicate postings.
Hella Bluhm-Stieber

The 2011 Joint Chapter Meeting NCNMLG & MLGSCA, Planning Committee is soliciting submissions for contributed papers and posters for the upcoming
meeting “Sustain… Your Self, Your Profession, Your Planet” in San Francisco, February 23-26, 2011.


We want to hear from you!


What innovations, new services, programs and technologies are you using and/or promoting in your library? How are you coping with the stress of budget cuts, decreased staffing, additional service demands, or information overload? What keeps you sane, gives you a lift, and inspires you to set and achieve new goals? Is technology helping you connect in new ways with your patrons? How are you working smarter? Is your library going green?  Are you developing any collaborations for research or funding library programs or collections?


Paper and posters may describe any research or practice of interest to the medical library community.


Here is your chance to share your findings with colleagues, hone your presentation skills, and gain institutional and peer recognition for your work.


We want to hear your innovative ideas! Whether you are a seasoned presenter or a novice, we strongly encourage you to consider this opportunity.


Presenters should be prepared to speak between 12-15 minutes.

Note: contributed papers are oral presentations; a complete text of the paper is not required.



Submit a copy of an abstract (approximately 250-300 words) describing the poster.

Please list all presenters and institutional affiliations.

Please let us know if you need a table or electricity. Wifi is free for attendants who stay in the hotel.


Please place "POSTER PROPOSAL" in the subject line of your message and email to Hella Bluhm-Stieber, Poster Session Chair, and to Carmen Huddelston:


Carmen Huddelston                              Hella Bluhm-Stieber

650-736-1713                                     408-885-5654





Submit two copies of your abstract (250 words maximum), which accurately conveys the subject of the paper, its scope, conclusions, and relevance to medical libraries. The first copy should list all authors, institutional affiliations, and email and phone number of primary contact. The second copy will be used in a blind review process and should not include any information identifying authors or institutions.


Please place "CONTRIBUTED PAPER PROPOSAL" in the subject line of your message and email to Peggy Tahir, Contributed Paper Chair, and to Rebecca Bayrer:


Peggy Tahir                                          Rebecca Bayrer     

415-476-5765                                                                          650-742-2540


See you in San Francisco!


Please excuse, if you receive this several times, since I posted it to several listservs.



Hella Bluhm-Stieber, MLIS, AHIP
Medical Librarian
Milton J. Chatton Medical Library
Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System
751 S. Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 885-5654
Fax (408) 885-5655
Monday-Thursday, 9am - 1pm, closed Fridays and county holidays.

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