The New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) are holding elections to fill open positions on the Board. The following positions on the 2010-2011 Executive Board are open, terms begin October 2010 at the NELA Annual Conference:

* Corresponding Secretary (one-year term)

* Recording Secretary (one-year term)

* Treasurer (one-year term)

* Vice President/President-Elect (three-year term)
After serving as VP for one year, the VP succeeds to the office of President, then remains a third year on the Board as Past President. The VP must be, or become, a member of the ALCTS division of the American Library Association in addition to being a NETSL member. VP candidates write a personal statement (approximately 150 words) outlining their background and interests, which will be included on the ballot.

If you are interested in running for a Board office, please contact Amy Hart at, or 508-655-8008 x222 by July 9th. Election ballots will go out to the membership in late July.

Amy Hart
President, NETSL
508-655-8008 x222