Hi Marilyn,
I cannot give you a magic number, but I can tell you what our numbers are like. With journals, cost per download is actually a pretty good measure, so I get good numbers from our journal packages. I use annual usage against subscription price and find that my JSTOR and Project Muse packages are around $1 per download. Other similar packages run as high as $5. My social science journals run up to $10, and only my STM journals exceed $10. I know a colleague who sets $20 as the maximum for her renewals.
With databases, the only consistent measure I can get for all of them is searches, so I compute cost per search, but the figures come out all crazy amounts, so I don't report them out, but I do look at them, and the ones I believe to be well-used and economically priced do tend to come out under 30 cents per search.
Your figures may be totally different, of course.
Good luck,
Judith E. Stokes
Associate Professor
Electronic Resources/Serials Librarian
Rhode Island College
600 Mount Pleasant Avenue
Providence, RI 02908-1991
-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@list.uvm.edu] On Behalf Of Geller, Marilyn
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 7:41 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Database return on investment
I'm hoping other continuing resources people can help me answer this
question: What is a good return on investment? Or what's a "good" cost
per use?
I'm not asking how to get these numbers; rather I'm wondering what these
numbers mean once you have them. I recognize that there are a dozen
reasons for paying for some databases no matter what the cost per use
is. And I recognize that cost per use doesn't necessarily mean that a
database was used "well". I also recognize that "use" can have a
variety of meanings.
But right now, I need to be able to say simply how much certain
databases cost per each use and whether that's a good indicator or a bad
one. Does anyone have that magic (possibly meaningless!) number?
Marilyn Geller
Collection Management Librarian
Lesley University Library
29 Everett Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Email: mgeller@lesley.edu
Phone: 617-349-8859