Hello Mary,
We have a number of journal subscription agents that we use.  We do NOT put all of our journals with 1 or 2 vendors.  We started using Basch for a small number of our journals in 2004, which was when the Faxon debacle was taking place.
Since that time, the number of our subscriptions has been decreasing and until this year, I have not been able to really move journal subscriptions. to them.  For 2010,  we moved our Springer titles (which was under an E only site licence) from our various subscription agents to one.  We moved them to Basch.
As for print, because they are a smaller agency, for us they give us really good service.  We have the Old Horizon ILS system and we can send our claims to them directly without having to rekey. (just like the big ones)  At this time, it is hard to rank the services by the various agencies, because they are all vying for our business. 
I would NOT shy away from them just because they are not one of the big three.  They give good, prompt service and do keep you informed just like the others.  For a smaller institution like yourselves and us, I would recommend them very much.
With Best Regards,
John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX)  (601) 815-4569

>>> "Edwards, Mary" <meedwards@AII.EDU> 1/29/2010 5:21 PM >>>



Does anyone use these folks?  What is your experience with them?


Kind Regards,


Mary E. Edwards

Director of Library Services

The Art Institute of California - Los Angeles

2900 31st Street

Santa Monica, CA  90405-3035

310-314-6154 (tel.)



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