
I'm now working with a very Lyme-literate doctor, who takes an integrative/holistic approach, has an excellent
track record with a range of ailments that the "health" establishment considers non-existent (like chronic Lyme
and CFS, just to name a few), and who willingly takes on unusual cases—like mine. (She agrees with all my
other doctors that my illness has no doubt been worsened, and protracted, by the excessive stress of this past
year—not just for all of us, but me in particular.)

Speaking of my own peculiar stress, I can also report that the colleagues whom I'm suing for libel have finally
responded to the complaint, with a motion to dismiss. About that I will say no more, other than to note that we're 
preparing our response, which is due in a few weeks. (Like Ol' Man River, the dean's "expedited review" of my
"conduct" just keeps rolling along.)

Although not yet ready to provide my usual full-time service, today I offer you the latest "paper jam" by Amy
Smiley—about the Biden/Harris inauguration. Though a tad dated now, it has lost nothing of its wit or power
since Amy completed it. (I especially like that uncanny pair of photos at the bottom.)

Thanks to all who've sent me their well-wishes, including various health tips and leads, since my last email.



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