But they're going biofascist anyway.


Australian Govt’s OWN WEBSITE admits Covid tests are totally unreliable


Therapeutic Goods Administration, a government office, claims there is “little evidence” to assess “clinical utility” of PCR or blood tests

David James

Imagine going to a doctor suspecting you may have a serious illness and being told that there are 2 tests available. With the first test, a swab, they do not know, should you record a positive result, whether or not you have the disease. With the second test, a blood test, they know for certain that the test is of no value in detecting the disease.

Would a patient find that situation satisfactory? Obviously not.

Yet that is exactly what the Australian government is admitting is the situation with its coronavirus testing. It is on the Therapeutics Goods Administration web site for “health professionals”:

The extent to which a positive PCR result correlates with the infectious state of an individual is still being determined.”


There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.”

[We also have a screenshot, just in case they take the info down – ed.]

Click on the link for the rest.