Hi All

I'm standing in for Grahame this week.

Before I invite you to the next event in the series, please may I issue a reminder that to participate in any of these events, you must wear a hi-viz/reflective top.
And it's no good wearing a hi-viz top and then cover it with a drab waterproof.
It's not fair to other road users to be charging around looking for clues while not being fully visible.

The first half of the NSL season draws to a close with Event 4 in Romiley on Tuesday the 11th December. 
The event centre will be The Spread Eagle, Hatherlow, Romiley, SK6 3DR.

Event team Rebecca and John have supplied the following information:

The Romiley event offers Street Leaguers a number of very special 
just-this-once Christmas Bonuses.

First, there's a new record number of 65 controls !!!  And some of these 
will be worth a special Christmas Bonus value of 90 points !!!  (there's 
a downside - penalties are 1 point per second)  And if that isn't 
enough, for the intrepid adventurers amongst you, the map now includes 
the tourist hotspot of Chadkirk Chapel, canal towpaths, and a footpath 
along the inner edge of a Cemetery.

To reserve your map for this event, please contact me (Ian G on  ian.gilliver01@gmail.com or nsl@mdoc.org.uk) by 5pm on Sunday 9th December.

I plan to acknowledge all map requests, so if you don't hear back from me within 24 hours please send me a reminder. 

07768 978763