Dear Member
I list below the dates and details of the help required to stage the above events.If you are available to help please state which week/weeks and what time 
together which job you would prefer to do.
Week One    -    Tuesday  29th April {Introductory}
Week Two    -    Thursday   8th May  {      "         }
Week Three  -    Tuesday  13th May  {      "         }
Week Four   -     Thursday 22nd May {Colour Coded}
4.00 p.m onwards
5.00 p.m.    "
7.00 p.m. onwards
Putting out controls
Registration-S.I Hire/Map Allocation
Computers-Download etc
Map Printing
Control Collecting
Qualified 1st Aider
Supporting newcomers
Access to the park is free after 4.30 p.m. and to NT members.If however you are needed before 4.30 p.m. and have to pay for car parking please reclaim from the Organiser
Should you require any further information please contact me .
Kind regards
Pete Lomas