See above/ below re NW club delegate meeting. MDOC will be represented but note that any member of a NW club is welcome to attend.

Tony Wagg

Sent: 11 September 2018 11:14
To: Dave McCann; Sue Birkinshaw; Clare Crocker; derek allison; hamish willis; Gerry Garvey; hamish willis; David Maliphant; Tony Wagg; Jeff Ball; Harrison Mike; Harrison Mike; Gillian Rowan-Wilde; Lesley Wornham; Dick Towler; Richard Tiley; Pete Owens;; Barry Barnes; George Crawford-Smith; kath etherden; Iain Smith-Ward; Stella Lewsley; Annmarie Thetford; Dave McCann; Judith Wood; Mark Edwards; Mark Edwards; Jo Cleary; Jean Payne; Eddie Speak; Julia Laverack; Richard Evans; derek allison; Graham Watson; Iain Smith-Ward; Christine Goulding; caroline barcham; Steve Round
Subject: NWOA AGM and CDM
Hi All

I'm sure that you haven't forgotten that the AGM and CDM are on Saturday 13th October in Caton.

Agendas are attached.

Please note that all members of NW clubs are welcome to attend.

Could I have reports from the Chairman, NW Junior Squad, Coaching organiser, Fixtures organiser, Lake District Access and Controllers co-ordinator please?
If I get these early enough I will circulate them before the meeting.

We will need a new Co-ordinator of Controllers as Roger Smith is giving this up.  If you are interested in taking this over could you let me know before the meeting.

