Begin forwarded message:

From: Derek Allison <>
Date: 8 July 2013 11:07:22 GMT+01:00
To: "" <>, "" <>, Ralph McCann <>, Sue Birkinshaw <>, Margaret Gregory <>, George Crawford-Smith <>, PETE kidd <>, Julian Lailey- SROC <>, Julia Laverack <>, Martin Bagness <>, Mike Harrison <>, DEE club chairman <>
Subject: Lakes 5 day Leaflets

Dear Club Contact, 

Could you please circulate this to your members.

Many thanks,


Dear NWOA member,

If you are travelling to any orienteering event this summer and would be prepared to take some flyers for the 2014 Lakes 5 Day event for distribution; could you please contact me at for me to arrange to get some to you?

Many thanks in anticipation,

Best wishes,


Derek Allison