Ted Dance died last Wednesday evening in Stepping
Hill Hospital, having been in failing health for a little while. He was,
however, until the week before, still putting in an appearance at the pub
Wednesday lunch times. Ted was both a former President of the Rucksack Club and an
Honorary Member. His mountaineering achievements and exploits were well
known in and beyond the Club.( As I stated previously he was the first Chairman of MDOC)
There will be a Service of Thanksgiving for Ted at 11.15 a,m. on Tuesday
28th May at St Thomas Beckett, Chapel-en-la-Frith SK23 0ET -   GR SK058809
Afterwards celebrants are invited to The Paper Mill at Chinley GR: 039820 - SK23 6EJ and then to
join a communal walk to the canal basin at Buxworth.
If you are coming it would be helpful to let Ann Cummings or Derek McWilliam
know on 01298 78204, or at derekmcwilliam@talktalk.net
Message via Ian P.Watson