Is it the 18th or 19th? The date seems to have changed between your two emails. Also the 22nd June is the date of the urban part of the Northern Champs but the 29th looks ok

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From: Dan Riley <>;
To: <>;
Cc: steve vernon <>; Ed Nicholas <>;
Subject: [MDOC] RE: Community Orienteering Leaders Award
Sent: Thu, May 2, 2013 10:58:06 AM

Hi all,

Many thanks for all your comments about the proposed community orienteering leaders award (cola) course in the Stockport area.

I would like to take the opportunity to more fully explain the situation so that the MDOC committee can make a more informed decision about the funding.

Dates: The suggestion that more notice should have been given is valid and the clash with an event is unfortunate. However the problem I have is that the moment there is only one person in the country who can deliver a cola course (me) and therefore any date would be dependant on me being available. British Orienteering is trying to address this situation by signing off more people to deliver the COLA and one of the aims of the proposed course is for Hamish Willis to come and observe me deliver so that he can be signed off as a COLA tutor (obviously this further restricts possible dates because Hamish needs to be available too. I have been in touch with Hamish this morning and if we do not get the numbers for the 18th of May then the next available date will possibly be June 22 or June 29th (both Saturdays) however I am waiting for him to confirm this with me. I have checked the British Orienteering fixtures list and there does not appear to any major events on either of these dates.

Cost: The cost is £95 per person (not for the whole course). It seems as though most people aren't aware that a service level agreement was sent to MDOC on the 1st of February 2013 from British Orienteering. In this agreement the proposed COLA course was mentioned and the intention was that British Orienteering paid half the costs of course for up to 6 people (As well as a contribution to coaching costs for Rhys Roberts). British Orienteering were hoping for a response by the end of March but none was received. 

I have checked with British Orienteering to see if this money is still available and they have confirmed that the 50% contribution for up to 6 candidates is still available (although unfortunately the funding for Rhys' coaching costs is not). This means that MDOC would only need contribute £47.50 per candidate.  Please could the committee also consider that although the costs seem high, it is a lot cheaper than paying a coach. Indeed the volunteer need only deliver one session in order to recoup the cost.

Venue: Many thanks for the offer of assistance in finding a venue. Due to the logistics of delivery, school grounds and small parks work best. 

First aid: There is a first aid requirement in order to validate the qualification. There is detailed guidance on the British Orienteering web site but in a nut shell a 4 hour "emergency aid" will be sufficient.

For more information please have a look a the following page on the British Orienteering web site.

I hope that this provides a useful summary and gives the committee enough information to make a decision. I think that in order to make the Hazel Grove club night sustainable then it is essential that we get more leaders qualified to run sessions. I apologise for making the assumption that MDOC would make the contribution, however I was under the impression that the committee was already aware of the proposed contribution from British Orienteering. Without volunteers our sport wouldn't exist and I think it is essential that we value them.

I look forward to your response,

Kind regards,
