Rachel Majumbar was one of the daughters of Barbara and Buddah Majumbar of DEE. Many of us in MDOC new her well through her cheerful  manner and excellence as a competitor. At one time she was a postgraduate student in Manchester and then Salford, and used to come to Wednesday runs and local events.  She was a lovely person who will be very much missed by her family and all who knew her.
Andrew and Margaret Gregory

On 23 Jan 2013, at 14:47, Tom Fellbaum <tomfellbaum@gmail.com> wrote:

Some of you may have seen the unfortunate news of the avalanche which took place at Glencoe last weekend, which took the lives of a party of mountaineers. 

This link has the details: 

This link is from the British Orienteering website and details the unfortunate loss of orienteers involved: 

Rachel apparently used to be a member of DEE. 
Tom Chesters was Ben Chesters' brother. Ben is my coach and has been to a couple of Wednesday runs. 

I am sorry to inform you of this very sad news. 

Tom Fellbaum