Hi all,

I am trying to generate some publicity / awareness of my navigation for fell running courses. Although they are aimed at fell runners they use orienteering coaching principles and try to encourage fell runners to try some orienteering as a way of improving their navigational skills. If you know anyone that might be interested then please pass it on.

After a successful pilot course we now have 2 more dates.

The dates are

6 January 2013 at Crowden YHA just off the A628 Woodhead Pass


16 February 2013 at the Whitehall Centre, near Buxton.

Both courses will run from 0900 to 1700 and will be at the ridiculously cheap price of £25 per person.

The course will run from 9-5 and you need to bring a packed lunch. Tea and biscuits will be provided.


There will be a little bit of theory but most of the course will be delivered practically.  


Please come equipped for the weather. Full waterproof body cover, hat, gloves and (as we will be standing still for some of the time) lots of extra layers.


During the day we hope to cover the following aspects of navigation, 


1. Understand something of how a map is made, their purpose and the similarities and differences between different maps

2. Understand map symbols, symbols that are common to all maps and those are specific to certain ones.

3. Understand how to set the map using the features around you and your compass

4. Be able to use a map to follow linear features (paths, tracks, walls, fences etc.)

5. Understand and interpret contour features

6. Be able to take compass bearings and use rough compass and understand when it is appropriate to do so

8. Be able to use timing and pacing to estimate distance


The course intends to provide quality and as such the ratio will be a maximum of 1 to 4, places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.


If you want to book, please go to the following web page,




enter your contact details into the required fields and Dave will e-mail you a booking form.


If you have any other questions then please give me a ring. I quite often work in areas with groups and / or areas with no mobile phone reception so please be patient and I will get back to you.


077968 86974


Kind regards

