I have received this email from Bob Roach, The chair of the NW Orienteering Association.
Like many parts of orienteering NWOA feels the need to engage with some new active members. (So does the MDOC committee) If you are interested please do let Bob know you will be there. 
If you want to know more about NWOA do have a chat with Sue Birkinshaw.

Margaret Gregory

To recipients of this email - please make this email available to anyone who you think might be interested in what is suggested.
At the NWOA Annual General Meeting & Club Delegate Meeting on 13th Oct the Exec spoke about the need for new faces on the Exec Committee. We suggested that one way forward was for us to invite to our meetings anyone interested in what the Exec does. Whilst such visitors don’t have a vote, we would welcome them to engage in the discussions rather than be passive spectators.
Our next meeting is on Monday 26th Nov at the Boot & Shoe pub on the A6 south of Lancaster city centre - 6:30 start.
I welcome anyone interested in attending to contact me either by replying to this email or phoning me on 01925 728055.
Bob Roach
NWOA Chairman