The first event in the North West Night League takes place this Saturday at White Coppice Near Chorley.
There are several club members who will be travelling to the event.
If you are interested in joining us then please let me know asap so we can sort out the logistics.
(Remember that are sponsoring the 6 event series again so please use their services.)
FYI the full timetable of events is as follows
26/11/2016 SROC White Coppice, Chorley
03/12/2016 PFO Hameldon Hill & Woods, Accrington
14/01/2017 LOC Blakeholme, Windermere
21/01/2017 MDOC Teggs Nose, Macclesfield
04/02/2017 SELOC venue TBA
04/03/2017 DEE Marbury Country Park Northwich
North West Night League Coordinator

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