Dear All


Don’t forget that the Autumn series starts at Wythenshawe Park tomorrow, and there is a choice of three courses:

Yellow (2.1k)

Score (45 minutes), and

Technical Score (45 minutes) (Visit all odd numbers followed by even, or vice versa)


Registration is from 10:15 in the Courtyard Café (follow streamers from the car park)

Unless you’re helping with setting up, please do not arrive too early, as there is a park run on, and parking, before 9:30 is at a premium.


If anyone would like to arrive very early, to help put out controls, then please contact David Wathey directly to arrange, otherwise David and Cecilia will be up with the Larks to put the controls out themselves.

Similarly, we could do with some help bringing in the controls after the event has finished (around 12:15pm), so would be grateful if any runners who haven’t put their names forward, but who would be willing to help with this, could congregate at the café at around 12:00.


We look forward to seeing you there.


Best wishes


Alan Ogden        David Wathey

Organiser            Planner