Many thanks to all the members who replied to my mail about helping at Twin Peak on July 9/10th. It seems that we will have just enough help to put on 2 full days of UKOL events - thank goodness! 

For those who have said they can help, you will be contacted by the Day organisers with some information on what is wanted. 
Pete Lomas for Saturday at Offerton and Chris Kirkham for Sunday in Manchester. 
They will give you the Helper Code to get your 50% discount when you do your entry via SI Entries. It would be a great help if you could do your entry soon, as a way of confirming your availability to help. (Even though we are thinking of the 2 days as separate events, you do just ONE entry to cover both the days)

For those who said they MIGHT be able to help, please could you confirm to me or the Day Organiser, one way or the other.

For everyone who hasn’t yet replied, are you available to help on either or both days, whether or not you want to compete? 
It will ease the work load for everyone else to have more helpers. 
Please let me know.

Sue - event co-ordinator.