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Subject: SELOC Haslingden Grane Event
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 21:14:49 +0100
From: PETE kidd <>
To: Chris Roberts <>, jane mockford <>, John Britton <>,


A quick email to see if you can push some information to your respective club membership about the SELOC level B event on Sunday 27th September.  Entries on Fabian are to date predictably slow with lots of other things on this month, including RAB for example on the weekend in question.

SELOC Level B event - Sunday 27th September - Haslingden Grane. Updated mapping of quarries in 2015 by Dave Peel using Lidar data. Parking in field near quarries, short walk to/from start, food catering available. Enter now on Final details on


Pete Kidd