Hi all

The seventh event in the MDOC Night Street League series will take place on Tuesday 3rd February 2015, based at The Kingfisher, London Road South, Poynton, SK12 1NJ,  GR SJ918834.

The event itself will see a return to our more familiar format - no map exchanges, and controls with a range of values.

I haven't received any specific information about the venue or food arrangements, so I'm assuming that there is plenty of parking and that we can order food at the bar on the evening.

Don't forget to drop me an email to reserve your map. Do it NOW!



PS  there are a few non-Poynton issues to draw your attention to:

DEEside Orienteers are putting on a NSL-style event based on MDOC rules in Warrington on Thursday 26th February. The venue is The London Bridge Inn, WA4 5BG. More details will be available nearer the time.

Please note the change of venue for our "Cup Final" event on Thursday 5th of March. The new venue is The Samuel Brooks, 323 Manor Avenue, Sale, M33 4WD,
GR SJ767907
. The pub is much closer to the complex areas on the Ashton upon Mersey map, and opens up the possibility of using another - even more complex - estate, which is not shown on the original map.

As well as drawing your route on Route Gadget on the MDOC website, check out the club's Facebook page.  Invitations to, and brief details of, recent NSL events have been posted!