I think this should be on the agenda the next committee meeting.  It would help discussion if any bright ideas were circulates on advance.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sue Birkinshaw <s.birkinshaw@zen.co.uk>
Date: 2 April 2012 15:37:20 GMT+01:00
To: Margaret Gregory <hm.gregory@btinternet.com>
Subject: FW: NWOA Grants

Subject: NWOA Grants

To Club Chairmen,

At the CDM on 10th March 2012 it was agreed that clubs could apply for grants of £1,000 to fund development, with the Exec being tasked with confirming that the proposals were of a developmental nature.

In line with this decision, the Exec asks clubs to:-
1. Outline the project(s) on which you plan to use the NWOA grant (preferably no more than 200 words)
2. Describe how the project(s) are related to your club's developmental planning (preferably no more than 200 words)
3. Send your club's development plan, or at least the part that relates to your application.

We expect to give a response and make payment within a few days of receipt of proposals.

best wishes

Bob Roach

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