Hope this is of interest to you, some media exposure on the TV.

Subject: Response please: JOK Chasing Sprint to be LIVE on BBC Scotland
To: <all@jok.org.uk>

Hi everyone
The exciting news about the Chasing Sprint keeps getting more exciting!
Not only is it going to be covered by The Adventure Show....we can now reveal that the programme will be showing the event LIVE on BBC Scotland from 7pm-9pm on Friday 28th June!
Highlights from the prologue will be shown first, and then the different Chase races will each be covered live via a number of cameras in the terrain.  

Exciting, but also a bit scary from an organisational point of view!

So it would be great if you could support JOK and the event if at all possible....we will need a number of helpers to make sure all the processes run smoothly and to help place/man controls.  
We will also need lots of competitors to help make sure that we provide compelling races that make great TV!

This means it would be great if you would (please)
- let me know whether you are able to come and help (thanks to those that have already confirmed this to me or to Graeme)
- enter the event if you would like to run
- spread the word amongst your friends and clubmates and encourage them to come along and compete.

Further information including the link for entries is at https://www.jok.org.uk/chasing_sprint/2019  (thanks Tim Smith for updating/restoring the website).

many thanks