Hi Julie,
My usual Tues appointment is cancelled, so I’ll happily help in whatever role. I’d be happy to put out controls to let others have a competitive run, as I’m not likely to get to many in the series. 
Liz H-D

On 30 May 2019, at 23:25, Julie Brook <julie.brook@iclway.co.uk> wrote:

Hello everyone,

The next Summer Evening event is the Park Sprint at Torkington Park, Hazel Grove on Tuesday 4th June.


There will be conventional Yellow and Orange courses, plus Short and Long 2-part sprint courses for the more experienced.

Registration opens at 17.30, with start times from 18.00 – 19.00.

The controls will be enabled for contactless punching with SIAC cards.

Shorts may be worn.


As Organiser, I would welcome offers of help for the following jobs: registration, helping beginners, start, computing, first aid and control collection. The Planner, David McCann, would also like a couple of volunteers to help put out controls.


Please let me know if you can help, and if you have any preference for job.


