Hi all,

The 2019 orienteering season is upon us and there are some great races coming up. 

I have summarised the club races below. These are the events that we compete for MDOC and I enter everyone. Please use the following link to an online form in order to indicate your availability in each of these respectively, the most urgent of which is the Compass Sport Cup Heat. Please do not delay in providing the requested information.

MDOC will pay your entry to the Compass Sport Cup and subsidise the other relays so it will be £10 per person.

1. Compass Sport Cup Qualifying Round 
Bampton Common, Penrith
Sunday 17th March (enter by 25th Feb)

The Rules have also been updated. All changes are highlighted on the attached. There is a new course 10, Short Green, a small course for scoring purposes, which is M80+ W70+.  

We are considering hiring a coach for travel to this event. The coach would leave early (~7:00am, 3 hour journey) from a convenient meeting place in South Manchester and leave once everyone has finished (~15:00).

This will only happen if there is sufficient interest - please indicate on the online form. Otherwise we can co-ordinate travel and those with spare spaces should offer to others.

2. JK Relays 
Milney, Camberley
Monday 22nd April (enter by 24th March)

3. British Mixed Sprint Relays  
Bradford University and Bradford College  
Saturday 4th May (enter by 3rd March)

The Open class consists of 4 runners (2 men and 2 women) who must run in the order WMMW. Other classes are for teams of 3 who can run in any order, but there must be at least one man and one woman in each team.  

4. British Relay Champs
Middleton Park, Leeds  
Monday 6th May (enter by 3rd March)

If you have any questions or problems completing the online form please let me know.

Many thanks

Tom Fellbaum
(Club Captain)