Hi everyone
The next event in the Spring series is at Woodbank and Vernon Parks on Saturday 2 February.  As Organiser I’m looking for volunteers for Registration, Enquiries and helping newcomers, Download (using the simple Schools kit), Start and Control collection.
Please let me know if you are able to help and if you have any preference for job.
There will be White, Yellow, Orange and Light Green courses, plus a 45 minute Score course to be done as either a traditional score or ‘odds/evens’ for the more experienced.  The fee for Seniors is £4 and for Juniors £2.00.  Times are as follows:  Registration 10.15-11.45 and Starts 10.30-12.00.  Courses close at 13.15.  Parking will be at the Vernon Park Car Park off Stockport Road West (SK1 2GT / SJ909909).
Jan Ellis
Please make sure you reply to my new email address:  jan@ellis7.plus.com