Consider asking your local paper to reprint: Erica Nelson: The least we can do | Column | Betsy Abramson 06 Jul 2020 20:41 UTC

Wonderful opinion piece by Erica Nelson, of Kids Forward - the Race to Equity Director, noting that the very same people who risked their lives 50 or more years ago in the Vietnam War are now in their 70's and older and most at risk of suffering the worst health outcomes if they contract the coronavirus.  She opines that "the least we can do" is protect them - as well as communities of color, people with disabilities and other marginalized groups.  Perhaps ask your local newspaper to contact Madison's Capital Times for permission to reprint?

Betsy Abramson
Executive Director
1414 MacArthur Road, Suite B
Madison, WI  53714
608-243-5691- office
608-332-7867 - cell

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