Cold temperatures pose serious threats to a person’s health, leading to frostbite, hypothermia, or trench foot, which occurs when the feet have been exposed to water
for too long.
Symptoms of hypothermia may include lack of coordination, confusion, slurring, drowsiness, or slowed breathing. Signs of frostbite and trench foot include skin that is numb, swollen, firm, blistered, red, or gray.
Take a moment to do a safety check to help ensure you, your employees and your family are protected from the cold.
What is the UMASH Farm Safety Check?
The UMASH Farm Safety Check is a quick farm safety review to identify and fix potential hazards before they cause harm to you, your family, your employees - and your bottom line.
Each Farm Safety Check focuses on a different topic, offering checklists and tips for identifying hazards, along with resources to reinforce safety practices. Use these checklists and resources throughout the year to help prevent incidents and injuries for
workers, visitors, and farm families.
2021 Women in Ag Network Conference
Wednesday, Feb 3
Hosted virtually via Zoom
It's not too late to register for the 2021 Women in Ag Network Conference!
The theme is Building Bridges, Cultivating Connection. During these unprecedented times, it is important to make time to stay connected. The conference will focus on connecting
women in agriculture and providing them with the tools to strengthen their connection with other producers and consumers.
Share this email with others who would be interested!
The Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) is a multidisciplinary
collaboration of five leading research and health care institutions. This collaboration brings together unique and complementary expertise to address existing and emerging health and safety issues in agriculture.
UMASH is one of eleven Centers of Excellence in Agricultural Disease and Injury Research, Education, and Prevention funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Funding is provided
through a cooperative agreement from NIOSH, U54OH010170 (2009-2021).