Good Afternoon,


The statewide Dementia Care Specialist Program and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services will be hosting monthly webinars throughout 2021 for people living with dementia and their family caregivers. Each presentation will cover a different topic and include practical tools and resources for families.  Please consider attending and/or sharing the January webinar, Isolation, Caregiving, and Mental Health: Paths Toward Well-Being, on Wednesday, January 13th at noon. 


See attached flyer for details.  Register at -


Lisa Wells, MA, CDP

Dementia Care Specialist  Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire County  I   715-839-4750 (p)  715-839-4866 (f) 

721 Oxford Ave Room 1130    Eau Claire WI 54703


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In response to COVID-19 the ADRC office is encouraging a majority of services be provided via phone and email so please call or email us first.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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