Good Afternoon,


As we are often told, the scammers follow the headlines. The headlines, as we come to the close of an unprecedented year, are focused on the COVID-19 vaccine. This means the fraudsters are focused on scam tactics as it relates to the vaccine and the vaccine distribution phases. The attached fraud alert provides some important information about how to avoid vaccine-related scams. Please share this information far and wide, as it impacts all of us as health care consumers. We must always be vigilant in protecting our personal information. If you hear of this happening in your community, please call the WI SMP Helpline, (888) 818-2611, to report it.


We wish you all a safe and happy holiday season!


Ingrid A. Kundinger, MBA

Senior Medicare Patrol Project Manager

Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources (GWAAR)

Elder Law & Advocacy Center

1414 MacArthur Road, Suite A

Madison, WI 53714

(608) 243-2885


SMP Helpline: 888-818-2611