Election day is November 3rd. Polls will be open from 7 AM – 8 PM
Make Your Plan for Election Day:
If you need a ride your polling place, check our
Rides to the Polls Do NOT delay: many require advance notice to reserve.
MyVote Wisconsin for your polling place as it may have changed
Review your ballot in advance on
MyVote Wisconsin, so you are prepared to vote.
Curbside voting should be available at every polling place for voters who have difficulty entering their polling
place due to a disability. Voters who are immunocompromised, or have symptoms of COVID-19 may also curbside vote. We suggest that voters contact their clerk in advance to ask how to access curbside voting.
Know your Rights. If you need other accommodations, such as assistance completing your ballot, request assistance
at your polling place. Our
Know Your Rights video and
fact sheet covers the basics.
You need an acceptable photo ID to vote, but your ID for voting does not need to show your current address or have a star on it.
If you don’t have a Photo ID, a free ID for voting is available at your local State DMC office. Call the DMV Voter ID Hotline: (844) 588-1069.
Be safe. Wear a mask, bring your own pen, and wash your hands before and after you vote.
If you have questions, or need help to make a plan, contact the DRW Voter Hotline at 844-DIS-VOTE/ 844-8683 or
Absentee Ballots – LAST CALL
If you have an absentee ballot, complete it immediately and return it to an absentee drop box or to your clerk’s office. It is too late to return by mail.
You can find your clerk's office address and drop box locations by visiting
Before your return your ballot, make sure your certificate envelope is complete, with the voter’s signature, witness signature and address, and sealed.
On Election Day, most voters may deliver their absentee ballots to their normal polling place, but it must arrive before polls close at 8 PM. Voters in 39 cities, villages or towns that count absentee
ballots at a central location must return ballots to their clerk’s office or the central count location. Follow the return instructions that came with your absentee ballot. Voters who return absentee ballots to their clerk’s office or a municipal drop box
on Election Day should do so as early as possible, because the ballot must be picked up and delivered to the polling place by 8 PM.
In some communities, you may return a completed absentee ballot at your polling place. Ask your clerk.
You may ask someone else to return your absentee ballot for you. They must return it to your clerk, a drop box in your community, or to your polling place if that is allowed.
If you requested your absentee ballot and it did not arrive in time, you may vote in person on Election Day or you can vote early.
If You Are Hospitalized or Quarantined:
You can still vote. The hospitalized elector process includes voters who are under quarantine for exposure to COVID-19.
Voters may assign an agent to carry materials between the voter and the clerk's office. Here is a link to the
Wisconsin Election Commission memo with directions.
Be Patient Waiting for Election Results
Because so many people are voting by absentee ballot this election, it will take poll workers and clerks longer than
normal to process all the ballots in some places. “Due to the pandemic and the high number of absentee ballots, it will likely be Wednesday before all the unofficial results are in,” according to Meagan Wolfe, Wisconsin’s chief election official. “It doesn’t
mean something went wrong – it means election officials are doing their jobs and making sure every legitimate ballot gets counted.”
Reporting an Accessibility or Voting Rights Concern
If you have an accessibility or voting rights concern, take action and report your concern. Reporting the concern can help you, and may
also help other voters.
If you run into problems on election day, contact the Chief Election Inspector at your polling place or ask for the municipal clerk immediately.
Contact the Disability Rights Wisconsin Voter Hotline at: 1-844- DIS-VOTE (844-347-8683)/email:
info@disabilityvote.org to receive assistance with your concern or with the process of filing a complaint.
Contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) at
1-866-VOTE-WIS (866- 868-3947)
for assistance. Report your concern at
elections.wi.gov/index.php/complaints . The WEC Complaints page has an option to “Report
an Accessibility Concern”. If your concern has been addressed, it is still helpful to report it but be sure to note that it was resolved.
Take the Voter Experience Survey
Reminder to Voters with disabilities: take the Voter Experience Survey. The SABE GoVoter survey helps us learn more
about what is working well for voters with disabilities and what are the challenges. The Disability Vote Coalition will use the survey results to advocate with elected officials to make improvements to our voting system.
Links to the 2020 Voter Experience Survey:
Help is Available! Contact these Resources:
DMV Voter ID Hotline: (844) 588-1069.
Apply for a free Photo ID for voting at the Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
ballotpedia.org: nonpartisan information about the candidates