“Why Every Elder Vote Counts” National Webinar on October 1 at 12-3 p.m. Central Time: Join the National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) and AARP for a national webinar about the history of American Indian and Alaska Native voting rights, hear from AARP on voter engagement, learn ways to vote safely, reflect on the barriers facing Native people and what can be done to overcome those barriers. 

Register here: https://kauffmaninc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0ckXlyRvRDSiqWiBlpFzmQ



Lisa Lamkins | Advocacy Director – Federal Issues

AARP Wisconsin

222 West Washington Ave., Ste 600, Madison, WI, 53703

Office: (608) 286-6302

Cell:  (608-358-0511



Check us out!

On Facebook: AARPWisconsin

On Twitter: aarpwi

On YouTube: AARPWI

On the web: www.aarp.org/wi