Good morning! I am sending this to the Badger Aging List to reach people involved in advocacy, education, program and service delivery related to older adults.

We are especially looking for responses from people in the Madison area, or people who would be willing to travel to Madison to engage older stakeholders (once in-person meetings are safe), to get a sense of potential demand. 


Would input from a diverse group of older adults benefit your research, care delivery, advocacy, outreach, or other work?

The Center for Aging Research and Education (CARE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing is considering whether to form a group of older stakeholders.

We ask you to please fill out this short survey by August 31, to help us gauge interest.

Survey URL:

CARE's mission is to support discoveries that improve aging, and build the skills and capacity of those who care for older adults. For more information, please see:

Please feel free to forward this message to others who may be interested.

Thank you and be well,

Diane Farsetta, PhD, Senior Outreach Specialist
Center for Aging Research and Education (CARE)
UW-Madison School of Nursing
Pronouns: she / her / hers
CAREatUW on Twitter and Facebook guides family caregivers of older adults