From: Kristin Litzelman <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 1:14 PM
To: Kristin Litzelman <>
Subject: Share your programming stories! Social isolation and loneliness
Dear partners,
Does your organization offer programs addressing social isolation and loneliness among adults? Please
tell us about it!
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented levels of social isolation and loneliness. Communities have responded with a wide array of programs seeking to prevent
or reduce the impact of these problems. University of Wisconsin Division of Extension is fielding a survey to learn more about the great work that is happening across the state. Our intent is that this information will help communities to better serve adults at
risk for social isolation and loneliness going forward. If you’d like to look at the questions before you start the survey, see the attached PDF.
here to fill out the survey, or paste this URL into your browser: The
survey will take around 20-30 minutes to complete. Your answers are private, and you’ll have the chance to request to receive our final reports.
Please share widely with any other partner organizations who do this work in adult audiences! The more responses we get, the better we’ll be able to understand the breadth
and depth of these efforts across the state.
Many thanks and hope you and yours are healthy and well,
Kristin Litzelman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | School of Human Ecology | Human Development and Family Studies
State Specialist | Division of Extension
University of Wisconsin-Madison
4115 Nancy Nicholas Hall | 1300 Linden Drive | Madison, WI 53706 |
Visit the Extension
Responds to COVID-19 website for a wide range of resources developed by Extension.
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