Take Our Voter Experience Survey

The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition needs to hear from people with disabilities, and their allies, about their experience with the April 2020 Election, including those who were not able to vote and wanted to.

The April 2020 election had many unique challenges. Please help us to improve future elections by sharing your experience, including any barriers you experienced.

• Did you vote absentee?
• Request an absentee ballot but not receive one?
• Vote at your polling place?
• Decide not to vote due to health concerns?
• Use curbside voting?
• Use an Accessible voting machine?
• We NEED to hear from you!

Take our Voter Experience Survey.

IMPORTANT: We want to hear from those who voted, as well as those who wanted to vote but were not able to do so.


Barbara Beckert, Milwaukee Office Director

Director of External Advocacy SE Wisconsin


6737 W. Washington St., Suite 3230

Milwaukee, WI 53214

414-773-4646 Voice ext 2724

414-773-4647 Fax
