From: WISTATE <>
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 10:08 AM
To: Dicks, Helen Marks <>
Subject: AARP Webinar tomorrow: How to VOTE and Stay Healthy




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AARP Real Possibilities








Stay Healthy and VOTE




Sign up for our free webinar to have your questions answered by our special guest from the WI Elections Commission.






Dear Helen Marks,

In the wake of the coronavirus, there's a great deal of confusion about the upcoming April 7th Wisconsin Spring election. But, as of today, the election is still happening on April 7th and your vote matters! Reid Magney, Public Information Officer for the Wisconsin Elections Commission, will answer your questions and give tips on absentee voting and voting safely in person. 

polling place

Register now for our free webinar to hear our guest from the Wisconsin Elections Commission share tips:

  • When and where can I vote in person?
  • Have the deadlines for voting changed?
  • How can I safely return my absentee ballot? 
  • How can I vote and still maintain social distance? 

Webinar: Wisconsin's Spring Election: How to VOTE and Stay Healthy

Date: Friday, April 1, 2020

Time: 1:30 pm


Sign up today to make sure that your voice will still be heard at the ballot box: Click here to register now.


Feel free to pass this invitation along to family or friends who might be interested! 


 Lisa Lamkins Signature

Lisa Lamkins
 AARP Wisconsin






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