Group Quarters
How are people in group quarters (nursing homes, group homes) counted?
Go here to learn about it.
Disability Vote Information
Please share
this important resource with your staff, board members, participants, volunteers, and community partners.
Accurate Census Data Can Help Ensure Funding for Children’s Programing
Did you know 10% of children under age 5 were missed in the 2010 census? Many communities lost out on important funding or received reduced funding as a result. Children raised
by grandparents are among the hard to count children. Help educate your community about how to count these children and the importance of having every child counted!
(continued next page)
Here are resources to help:
Grandparents Day Social Media Toolkit (Even
though Grandparents Day is in September, this toolkit has a lot of great ideas around the Census.)
Infograph from US Census Bureau
Communications Coordinator
p. 608-228-7210
Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc.