WisDOT is beginning work to update their comprehensive plan. The first step is getting input on their public outreach plan. If you see a group missing, or can add places they can outreach to including existing gatherings or meetings,
please comment. Information on the plan including timeline and how to comment and provide input is found here.
https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/multimodal/connect2050.aspx Comments on the outreach plan are due by March 27.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is seeking public comment on how best to connect with the
public and others in the development of the new statewide long-range multimodal transportation plan, Connect 2050. A draft public involvement plan is available for review at wisconsindot.gov/Connect2050.
A crucial part of the Connect 2050 planning process is public engagement which includes the general public and
all affected stakeholders in the statewide transportation planning process. The plan identifies the communication and outreach processes that WisDOT will follow during the update of the plan.
Comments on the public involvement plan will be accepted through March 27, 2020
Thank you,
Older Americans Act Consultant—Transportation & Volunteer Specialist
m. 608-228-8092
Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc.