Census Information                                                                                                                                       

Why Does Being Counted Matter?

The Census will impact decisions made about our communities for the next 10 years and beyond.

Local, state and federal governments, private businesses, public works, religious organizations and others will use data from the 2020 Census to make decisions about older adult services, highway funding, mental health services, Medicaid, SNAP, education and more. Here is a handout on some of the programs influenced by census data.

Want to know how much money is at stake? Learn about the money here.

Based on the 2010 census numbers, in 2016, approximately $2,176 of Federal funds were appropriated per person in Wisconsin (Counting for Dollars, GW Institute for Public Policy). That is a lot of money, so we need to make sure everyone is counted! If Wisconsin doesn’t get the money, another state will!

Like the numbers? Here are more statistics on census driven Federal funding per program.

Get data about the hard to count areas – demographics, previous response rates and predicted non-response rate (unfortunately, some of WI does not have data).

A map of hard to count areas and areas that will automatically receive paper copies of the census can be found here

Being counted means you impact your community. Representation, Money, Power


Webinar Opportunity from the National Council on Aging

Census 2020 and Older Adults: Reaching the Hard to Reach

February 27                                        1:00 - 2:00 pm

We all have a role to play in ensuring that Census 2020 engages everyone. This webinar will showcase ways government agencies and officials, nonprofits, advocacy organizations, and philanthropy can educate communities about the Census’s impact on essential services for older adults and their families.



Kim Cobb

Communications Coordinator

p. 608-228-7210

Weekly Digest Submissions

Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc.



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