The Call for Presentation Proposals for our 2020 Wisconsin Aging and Disability Network Conference is attached. The conference dates are September 24-25, with preconference sessions September 23 at the Kalahari Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells.


The conference focus areas are innovation, equity, advocacy, health, rejuvenation, and leadership. We welcome submissions of ideas for innovative programming for both workshops and half-day or full-day preconference intensives. Submissions deadline is March 16th. Please use the survey link provided to submit presentations. Call for Proposal Survey Link


For questions regarding this call for proposals or the submission process, contact our conference planner, Peggy Rynearson, via email or phone at 608-446-4206.


Thank you,

Monica Smith

Bureau Operations Coordinator

Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources

Division of Public Health

Department of Health Services