
Thanks for the link to YouTube - your images of the comet are beautiful! While I did not take any lasting images, I have my memories of what I saw and that is worth a great many memories to me. The last two comets that I viewed visually were Comet Halley (1986 from Colorado) and H-B/Hyakutake (1995 from Palm Desert, California). Now this - what a treasure of memories!

Thanks for sharing your images - 


Padma A. Yanamandra-Fisher
Senior Research Scientist 
Space Science Institute

On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 2:10 PM Nick James <> wrote:
John Mason and his colleagues at the South Downs Planetarium have
produced a great outreach video covering comets in general and C/2020 F3
in particular. You can find it here:

Spread the word to friends and family that this is a rare opportunity to
see an outstanding comet.

It does contain a few of my images so I am not totally unbiased!

Nick James. Director.

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