Re: [HBP] From the Archives: Kalvan's Arrival on Aryan-Transpacific
Jim Broshot 18 Mar 2022 16:19 UTC
On 3/17/2022 9:08 AM, Gordon Johansen wrote:
> I have that printing as well as a few others too Jim. My first purchase
> was the Ace red cover Space Viking that came out later. I meant that the
> post by John was made 22 years ago, not that the book came out then.
I was trying to point how long ago the Analog issue came out compared to
how long ago I bought my copy of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen.
My Ace copy of SPACE VIKING (copyright 1963), cost 40 cents and has a
green cover that features a fellow with a purple and black uniform
firing what appears to be a updated MP40 with a large globular spaceship
in the background.
Jim Broshot